adding services for our clients.Teams who are specialized in Interactive media, 3D and publication.

AMC Studio
Founded by Ronnie Chin in 2012 to create 3d animations and special effects for television commercials, events and print design. AMC work closely with direct clients, agencies and production houses. Now with locations in Singapore and Malaysia, AMC strive to be the leading effects companies in the region, serving motion picture, commercial production and print design.

Texture Media
Texture Media is an interactive studio that deals with next-gen high tech interactive installation. They are also responsible to find new ways of bringing contents to new media and enhancing user experience.

映CG Media
InCG Academy is to allow the Taiwanese CG community to grow and interact with the ever-changing world of computer graphics. They offer classes and workshops to professionals in need of specialized training as well as seminars for anyone interested in graphic design. Their instructors are experts and are familiar with the most recent technological innovations and provide insight into the latest trends in the CG industry.
In addition, they publish InCG Magazine on a quarterly basis as a way of introducing international and domestic products and artists to graphic designers in Taiwan. Each issue includes the latest technological breakthroughs, exclusive interviews, innovative tutorials, and inspiring success stories.
If you are looking for a way to bring some awareness into Taiwan, INCG is one such possible channel.

怪獸 Monsters Works
Monsters Works is a studio that focuses on bringing high end design & art classes to aspiring artists. Their goal is to elevate the general skills and qualities of art techniques through sharing of knowledge. Several of LiK’s designers are sharing their knowledge at the studio as well.

很好設計 Goods Design

存在設計 a.design
《以人為本 感受設計存在的人.情.味》
人情味,是東方文化最耐人尋味的三個字,這三個字不但代表了溫暖、溫度、 更是人文、文化、情感連結和延續。存在設計團隊以「人、情、味」為出發點, 讓客戶可以深刻感受到設計作品的溫度,藉由深入對談而了解客戶需求,經品牌 再造賦予全新生命,使企業以嶄新面貌再出發。
《存在是一種被感知 是一種純粹的感動》
設計是美好生活,體驗周遭所發生的每一個人、事、物, 細細品嘗後都能發現更不一樣的感動,存在是一種被感知, 不被感知東西就不存在,將企業價值引導出來就是存在設計 持續在做的事情。我們期盼運用品牌概念,透過設計,與消 費者直接對話,認識企業及產品故事,進而擁抱品牌價值。